What Will I Be When I Grow Up?

Hobbies. Jobs. Career. Vocation.

I think this is a message that I should have heard when I was much younger and trying to figure my way around the world of work.

I was so hung-up about what I should study, what I would be, how to incorporate my interests with my eventual career.

Thank goodness I had an adult tell me to chill. He told me that it, except for a few professions, it didn’t matter much what one did for a first degree. What mattered was the openness to learn and keep learning all through life.

I started off studying Economics for my undergrad degree, not because I loved it but because I was good at it. Then I got a Masters degree in Information Systems, because I was then interested in technology and wanted to understand better how to leverage tech for business and socio-economic development. Then I moved into nonprofits, because I was interested in giving back and despite all odds, my first job after school melded all my interests of gender and technology and helping others together. And somehow I followed my interests at the time and was fortunate to have opportunities appear for me.

Our identities are so entwined with our jobs and we spend most of our waking hours (as adults) working, so it certainly matters where you end-up, but you can always change jobs, go back to school, do something you love on the side that might eventually become your ‘main thing.’ There are so many possibilities.


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